The Mawotsheni Community Project - 13. August 2015

I joined the Mawotsheni Community Project approximately four weeks ago and found that this community acts like one big family. The most unbelievable been that all big decisions, problems and disputes are brought before the community appointed Headman and the Headman then makes the ruling. The community then accepts this and continues with day to day life.

mawotsheni community project

The Mawotsheni Community Project is dedicated to aids awareness, shedding light on education in the form of the pre-school and has the necessary foundations for skills development. This is a volunteer based programme with incredible benefits to all in the community. And yes we would love to have more dedicated "volunteers" to come and experience this first hand.

I am so grateful to be a part of an organization, who's focus is on Early Childhood Development, community upliftment through skills development and nutrition. It's truly inspirational to witness the time and energy the team put into the projects. A team that works together stays together. We share cooking, cleaning, and household chores. We offer ideas and have the freedom to use our initiative. The only way to explain what we do is to show you with pictures.

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I visited and worked at 2 of the other projects,Enjojoweni Pre School and the building of the "Good Hope Pre School", which will have its own green house and vegetable garden. The community once again intrigued me by joining together to assist us with digging holes for the fencing off of the vegetable garden. It's amazing to see how they work together for a beautiful cause. We also went to Ejojweni to complete the raised beds in there vegetable garden and the teachers where amazing in the amount of effort they have put into the garden that will provide much needed food for the children.

My honest opinion is that Willen and Doen Volunteer and Community Projects are worth a view.

Chantal Roux

coffee bay südafrika

Weitere Informationen


Facebook: Mawotsheni-Community-Project
Facebook: Volunteer Willen en Doen

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